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Enterprise edition

This is our standard product, is a full Server offering and includes EVERYTHING except Quick Data Entry.

Most companies have been producing paper documents for so long that document management is an often invisible and neglected part of the organisation. Producing paper documents costs you time and labor as staff are required to retrieve printed jobs and stuff envelopes; and costs you real money in stationery supplies and the physical storage of in-house copies. Imagine how much you could save if one piece of software could perform all those functions electronically, automatically with programmed fall-back to humans for exceptions such as missing Email addresses.

Most businesses these days make extensive use of the Web for self-service, selling and restricting competition by making it SIMPLE to renew insurance policies, purchase products and integrate with your companies offerings.  FormTrap has full HTML available for output, with accompanying PDF where required,  Now your communication to your customers is fully aligned with your web site.  This for Insurance Company of the West Indies saves them literally millions per year in mail, staff and reduced competition.  

FormTrap’s enterprise solution to document management does all of this. Dramatically reduce your costs by automatically emailing documents directly to your customers. Store electronic copies of all your reports in an easily searchable electronic archive. Control all your formatting and delivery requirements in one central location no matter how large your organisation is, be it in one site or in many around the globe.  Xylem Water has control over sites in Philipines, China, India as well as the USA.  Scholle Packaging runs in Europe, South America, even in Australia from Chicago.  Fisher & Paykel Healthcare runs in Korea, USA and Canada, most European countries and further afield all from Auckland, New Zealand.

With the FormTrap enterprise solution, you can control the formatting, delivery and storage of documents down to a departmental or even personal level. Client-side access means you can empower users with the responsibility for tracking their own reports, freeing up your IT resources.

FormTrap Server runs on the latest Windows OpSys, Windows Server 2016 in a VM and earlier Windows Servers.  FormTrap has the knowledge to live within the restrictions on Email imposed by Microsft Exchange. 

Contact us to see just how quickly a FormTrap enterprise solution can integrate into your environment and begin saving you money!