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Delivery Tag Overview

Delivery tags are used to deliver output to clients and suppliers via Email and Fax, to deliver archive references and to supply other functions (such as data delivered to a FormTrap Spooler Application) by the FormTrap production system.

Delivery tags are equivalents of Version 7 "Associated File" fields. Unlike version 7, these are defined in the XML file rather than as a contrived part of the form.

Delivery tags are not intended for long text and have a maximum length of 1,024 bytes of data.  Exceeding 1,024 bytes produces an error message.  Delivery tags are last in the output XML file and look as shown below:

For information on Delivery priority, see the end of this document.


From Version 8.26 IBM CMOD delivery tags are available for use in the batch production product that forms either bulk print files or build PDF files intended for processing by IBM's CMOD archiving systems.  More detail on interfacing IBM CMOD is available here.

Either highlight Delivery, right click and select Properties, or ...

... or select via Properties.

Version 8.10 or earlier, press HERE).

Version 8.11 and after allows complex and multiple rules for delivery tags.

This window opens, select Tags, then Add for a new tag.

Field and Rule shows as:

  • N/A and Always for a constant (always generated Delivery tag)
  • field name and rule for a single test on one field (conditionally generated Delivery tag)
  • Multiple fields and Multiple rules for complex rules (conditionally generated Delivery tag).

Name allows either a selection from the pull-down of recognized Delivery Tag Names, see Full List of Delivery Tag Names or enter your own name.

Value is any string and may include Insert field name(s).

Make sure text source fields are Normalized to "Trim" leading and trailing spaces.

Numeric data with leading zeroes should be Normalized to "Remove leading zeros".

A Rule may be defined, if the rule is false the Delivery Tag is not produced. Below is an example rule for Email where empty email addresses prevent this delivery tag from being presented to the FormTrap Spooler. The better approach is to use Delivery Priorities, next section.

See the discussion on Rules HERE.

Value options allow replacement of the value by either substitution, or from a lookup table (see here).


Version 10 and Earlier Delivery Tags

This window opens, select Tags, then Add for a new tag.

Name allows either a selection from the pull-down of FormTrap Spooler-recognized Delivery Tag Names,
see Full List of Delivery Tag Names or enter your own name.

Value is any string and may include Insert field name(s).

Make sure text source fields are Normalized to "Trim" leading and trailing spaces.

Numeric source fields with leading zeroes should be Normalized to "Remove leading zeros".

A Rule may be defined, if the rule is false the Delivery Tag is not produced. Below is an example rule for Email where empty email addresses prevent this delivery tag from being presented to the FormTrap Spooler. The better approach is to use Delivery Priorities, next section.

See the discussion on Rules HERE.

Value options allow replacement of the value by either substitution, or from a lookup table (see here).


Delivery Priority

Delivery priority allows keying delivery tag names in priority order. One only of the priority list is delivered, in the sequence shown. In this example smtpto has priority over w2kfax which has priority over PO Printer (which is a user-named tag).

Delivery priorities without data are ignored, hence when an email address exists, it has priority, if no email address exists, the next entry is checked.

With Delivery Priority set, the Rule shown earlier is redundant.


IBM CMOD PPD Encoding in PDFs

IBM CMOD (Customer Management On Demand) is an archive creation and retrieval system used by volume users such as banks and utilities for very high volume files, for example statement runs. The system efficiently archives PDF files by extracting fonts and logos just once, then puts those "back into" PDFs when a requirement to show just one or a few PDFs is required. The indexing fields are converted to invisible PPD (Page-Piece Dictionary) entries within the PDF file.  PDF files are generally bulk files containing many individual documents.

This facility is embedded into the FormTrap Performance product designed for volume users and extended to include FormTrap Server PDF outputs.  This (for example) makes it possible to convert FormTrap documents files in folder to convert to IBM CMOD archiving.

From Version 8-26 of FormTrap Server, all PDFs will automatically include Page-Piece Dictionary (PPD) segements into PDF files generated as follows:

Delivery tags with names that start with CMOD- (any case) are embedded into PDF file(s) as one PPD entry per document in the file and have been approved by IBM as CMOD suitable (see HERE for details on IBM CMOD). Below shows Delivery tags and the invisible generated PPD output within the PDF file:

  • /PieceInfo
    <</IBM-ODIndexes <</Private
    <</CustName(FormTrap Solutions Pty. Limited)


HTML Email

HTML Email may be formed, see HERE.

Testing HTML requires selecting the HTML button from the Build area. This returns the HTML email display (or if the build fails, an error message). Final testing is required in FormTrap Server, directing the emailed output to yourself.
